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Carl M Stott

Mechanical Engineer for LLNL

Taking pictures inside of LLNL grounds was prohibited, so I don't have much to show about my time at the lab. Furthermore, a good chunk of my work was classified, so I cant talk much about what I did either. But there is some that I can safely discuss. While at Livermore I worked as a mechanical engineer supporting the plutonium research and development facility known as the Superblock. I designed secure mounting for machinery, which involved doing seismic calculations using the DOE's own building code to insure that not even a 10,000 year event could potentially release anything harmful from the lab. I also worked on a foundry instillation my team was building from scratch, in which I sized deep vacuum systems, programmed automation, sized motors and other drive train components for moveable platforms, and designed the jacket cooling system for the furnaces. The attached picture is the nuclear materials group photo, I can be seen on the far right middle row.

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